MHWF is proud to offer our monthly Sponsorship Program, benefiting the horses in the MHWF herd and family. The concept is simple and was designed to make it easy for anyone interested in supporting MHWF on a monthly basis to do so without having to spend a lot of time doing it.
Donations generated through our Sponsorship Program do not go toward salaries or payments to any individual, they go directly toward the care of the horses in the MHWF herd, in the form of grain, hay, vet care, farrier care and medicines. For anyone who has ever asked, "How can I help" we can think of no better way to make a difference than to become an MHWF Sponsor.
There are 4 levels of sponsorship offered through MHWF. These levels are broken down by the amount you wish to pledge monthly to MHWF and the horses. They are as follows:
Bronze: $20.00 - $49.00
Silver: $50.00 - $99.00
Gold: $100.00 - $199.00
Platinum Angel: $200.00 and up.
Sponsors will be listed here on this page by sponsorship level. (See Below)
Here is how it works:
Chose a sponsorship level. Keep it within your budget, as sponsorship levels are pledges donated monthly and are not one time pledges. Please also keep in mind that your sponsorship pledges are tax deductible.
Once you have chosen a sponsorship level, You can become a Sponsor in one of two ways.
#1: Click the PayPal link below to make your first pledge with a debit card, credit card or through your PayPal account. In the notes section of PayPal, please make sure you specify that your donation is toward the Sponsorship Program and what level you wish to enter, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Angel. Your sponsorship pledge will show up immediately and we will respond to let you know it was received. We will immediately add your name and level to the list on the right side of this page. So you don't have to remember, on the 1st of each month we will send you an email reminder that your next sponsorship pledge is coming up.
#2: Send a check or money order to MHWF, Inc. for your monthly pledge amount and sponsorship level. Once we receive your pledge in the mail we will contact you to let you know it was received and add your name to the list on the right side of this page. Please mail your pledges to:
MHWF, Inc. Sponsorship Program 10990 Hwy. 73 Pittsville, WI 54466Thank you for your support to MHWF through your pledges and donations! The Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation knows that it is only through you that we exist and continue to grow and help more and more horses who need both you and MHWF.
A huge thank you to the following Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors: Nancy M. Jane L. Marisa D. Linda B. Emily H. Laura S. Betsy A. Heather S. Jane B. Mary G. Diane L. Nicola K. Sandra P. Rebekah K. Susan F. |
Silver Sponsors: Nancy C. Marge H. Sue P.