MHWF owes it's longevity and success to our supporters and we could not do the work that we do without your support. Over the past 20 plus years, MHWF has taken in well over 1000 horses, mules and donkeys. Their lives have been changed forever and for the better and none of that would have been possible without you. MHWF is a community of caring horse people and our supporters are also our friends and extended family. That means a great deal to us and many, many friendships have been formed over the years. If you have ever been to an MHWF event, then you have probably seen this or been a part of it yourself. It truly is special.
Everyone at MHWF is a volunteer and we have no paid employees. 100% of the funds MHWF takes in go directly to the horses.
One of the questions we are most often asked is "How can I help".
There a million ways a person can help and some of them may seen small, but make a huge difference in whether a program is a success or not. Helping not only gives us the ability to help more horses, but also gives us the ability to give the best care possible and allows us to continue moving forward. There is no bigger deal to us than earning and keeping your support.
Monetary donations
It takes money to keep a program like MHWF going and to keep the horses fed, vetted, trimmed, vaccinated and de-wormed. All monetary donations are welcomed, no matter how large or small. They all add up and make the most impact on the life of a horse in need. There are two ways you can donate money to the horses of MHWF. All donations to MHWF are tax deducible.
Simply click on any of the "Donate" buttons here on our website to pay with a credit or debit card, or your PayPal account.
Mail a check or money order to:
Help at an MHWF event
Every event we do takes people and time to make happen. Many times there are fun and easy ways to help with the event and in most cases, the more volunteers the better.
Work Packer concessions with us
Each year MHWF works concessions at 2 or 3 Packer games in Lambeau Field. It is a fun and unique experience and it takes at least 25 volunteers to run our booth for each game. These games bring in a huge amount of much needed funding, and at the time of the year when it is needed most. If you can come join us for an afternoon at a Packer game, we always seem to need people to help. Look for updates and info on our website and discussion forum.
Donate to our yearly Winter Hay Drive
Every year MHWF raises money to pay for the fall/winter supply of hay. This is one of our most important fundraisers of the year and we usually start it in September or October. Look for updates on our website and discussion forum for info on how to help with this ultra-important drive which feeds the horses here at MHWF over the long, cold winter months. All donations to MHWF are tax deducible.
Donation to our Purina Fall Grain Drive
Every year MHWF partners with Purina to pay for the fall/winter grain needs. This is also one of our most important fundraisers of the year. Look for updates on our website and discussion forum for info on how to help with this ultra-important drive which feeds the horses here at MHWF over the long, cold winter months. All donations to MHWF are tax deducible.
Sell raffle tickets to the yearly MHWF raffle
Each year MHWF does one raffle. It starts in the late winter/early spring and ends with a huge party here at the MHWF facility on the last Saturday in June, filled with cash prizes, door prizes, endless food, drink and live music all night long. If you can help us sell raffle tickets for a great cause, we can always use more help. The more people selling tickets, the better the raffle does. Prizes are almost always cash and the tickets are much easier to sell than most people think. If you try, they will sell. If you can help with our yearly raffle, we can use all the help we can get!
Donate usable or sellable items
Most people know that programs like MHWF are always happy to take donations of feed, medication, tack, etc, but most people do not realize that MHWF takes just about anything you are willing to donate. If it can be used to help a horse or someone with a horse or can be sold to generate money for the horses, MHWF is happy to accept it. Over the years we have taken in cars, trucks, name it. Sometimes these kinds of donations make a fast and dramatic impact. If you have items you wish to donate, don't be afraid to ask. You might have something we can really use. All donations to MHWF are tax deducible.
Thank you!
Our Mission
The Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation is dedicated to providing qualified homes for any horse in need. It is our goal to make certain that every horse placed in our care is provided with all the necessary ingredients for a safe and happy life, and that it is also protected from those who would do it harm.
horse placed in our care will receive our full efforts to ensure that it never
ends up in the auction ring or on the slaughterhouse floor. We promise to do our
best to provide only the best homes with dedicated families for every animal we